2018 – Stany skupienia wody (Matters of state of water) – Elżbieta and Marek Lejbrandt

Stany skupienia wody (Matters of state of water) – Elżbieta and Marek Lejbrandt

Exhibition site – The Academic Centre for Culture and Art “Od Nowa”, ul. Gagarina 37a, Toruń

Vernissage – the 24th of November 2018, at 11am

The exhibition runs until the 31st of December 2018

The matters of state of water are liquid, gas and solid. Although it sounds quite scientific and technical, we have aimed to see water in different ways and show in such at our exhibition. It can be a colourful mist at dawn, clouds before the storm or after the sunset, a river, sea, waterfall, dew drops, rock formations in caves produced through a continuous dripping of mineralised water, rocks and dunes carved by water on the surface of our globe. Water is also pictured as a feature of art and sacred culture. The exhibition should not be lacking water in the form of snow and ice, which colours change depending on different angles of light incidence, as well as water vapour escaping under pressure from the depths of the earth, reminding us that our Earth “lives”, transforms and evolves, along with us.


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