2022 – Piotr Potępa a Guest of the Festival

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A geophysicist by profession, a photographer by passion. He is the author of a blog on night photography nightscapes.pl, contributor to the oldest magazine dedicated to the popularisation of astronomical knowledge “Urania Postępy Astronomii” (Urania, Advances in Astronomy). A guest of the Radio School of Astrophotography in the broadcast “Radio Planet i Komet” (Radio of Planets and Comets) on Polish Radio PiK. Laureate of astrophotography competitions. Co-organiser of the “Szlakiem gwiazd” (Following the Trail of the Stars) astrophotography workshop. His greatest passion is landscape astrophotography, through which he aims to show the beauty of the night sky. In his photographs, he mainly captures stars, planets and the Moon in the company of objects on Earth. Thus, he tries to remind us that the heavenly bodies have always accompanied man, setting the rhythm of his life. He enthuses others with his passion, showing them what is usually unnoticed, when we are in a hurry and caught up in daily activities.

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