2021 – Łukasz Gwiździel, a Guest of the Festival

I was born in 1981. I live in Debrzno, in Krajeńskie Lake District. My adventure with photography began in 2011 after I bought my first camera with an APS-C matrix. I’m a forester, but, sadly, I don’t spend all my days in the forest because I work in the forest inspectorate office. The majority of my photographs are taken on my way to work or at weekends.

In wildlife photography, a great number of factors lie beyond my control. Animals do not pose like models on a catwalk. Lighting cannot be adjusted as in a photographic studio. The scenery for the frames is built by Mother Nature over the course of years. On the one hand, these obstacles make the photographer’s life very difficult and require a lot of commitment; on the other hand, however, the results obtained are very satisfying.

At the beginning of my photographic adventure, I would go into the field with my camera and enjoy every wildlife encounter. Nowadays, the outlines of frames appear in my head during my walks, and I spend weeks or even months working on their realisation. Knowing the habits of the animals, the lay of the land, the direction where the sun rises and sets, and having checked the weather forecast for the coming hours, during my photographic sessions, I try to leave as little as possible to chance. I often don’t succeed in taking the photographs I have planned, but there are also situations in which all the right elements combine allowing me to take the perfect image. During photographic encounters with wild animals, incredible emotions and interactions with nature are created. Additionally, I always search for interesting lighting and hope for fascinating behaviours of the models in front of my lens.

Through my determination, persistence and thoroughness, my gallery is constantly expanding. I am delighted that my photographs are appreciated in ever-wider circles. I don’t always have the strength or time to achieve my goals in full. Family, work, photography — I try to balance these three most important areas of my life. Personally, I do my best to be a good husband and a good dad to my quickly growing kids.

I am also interested in photographic encounters with people. I enjoy making photo reportages where I try to capture the atmosphere in the frame. Every interesting moment is worth recording. Every photo session makes me happy, and I hope it can be seen in my photographs. Only time limits my photographic interests.

Enjoy viewing my photos. I also invite you to follow my passion on my website www.lukaszgwizdziel.pl, as well as on my photographic profiles www.facebook.com/lukasz.gwizdziel.fotografia and www.instagram.com/lukasz.gwizdziel.lighthunter

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